This is the page for Lingowa Gona word derivation. It is under construction. Also see grammar, dictionary, phonology, or go back to the main lingowa gona page
Uyi, -oi | bouba diminutive noun ending |
Awu, -ao | bouba augmentative noun ending |
I, -i | kiki diminutive noun ending |
Eyi, -ei | kiki augmentative noun ending |
U, -o | collumn-like noun ending |
Ayi, -ai | paper-like noun ending |
E, -e | cube-like noun ending |
I, Inn, i(n)- | + [v.intr/adj./n.], 'that which typically is/does ...' |
E, Enn, e(n)- | + [v./adj./n.], 'a product of, the result of, emission from ...' |
sinn, si(n/m)- | + [v. intr], 'collectively does ...' InulawaAkuwasinagulass inola wa akowa to sin'agolas 'The alcohol and water merges together' pentatetunesindannyekawuki penta tetone sindan y'ekao ki 'there are five houses around me' (the group as a whole surrounds me even though each house individually doesn't surround me, e.g. they are built in a circle and I am in the middle) pentatetunedannyekawuki penta tetone dan y'ekao ki 'five houses surround me' (each house individually surrounds me, e.g. each house is inside another house like a matryoshka doll and I am at the core) |
kall, -kal | 'during the time associated with ...'
[ordinal number] + kal, 'for the n-th time' |